Achieve BS 10008 certification
Ensure Legal Admissibility and Evidential Weight of Electronically Stored Information
See how our BS 10008 Consultancy Programme can help you Achieve Certification
Our BS 10008 consultancy programme will help you achieve certification:
Starting guide
A step-by-step guide to quickly understand how to navigate the certification process and set up your risk and quality management system. Learn how to identify your risks to the information stored, write your policies and procedures and how to generate evidence of compliance.
Gap analysis
You’ll receive a full documentation review against 350+ compliance points highlighting gaps and a report on how to address them.
Risk assesment
Rather than spend hours trying to identify your risks yourself, we give you a pre-defined risk register based on your business type. All you need to do is pick which risks are relevant.
Documentation templates
We provide you with templates for your formal policies and procedures making it easier to certify rapidly.
What makes our programme different?
Our BS 10008 consultancy programme has been designed with small businesses in mind.
Most programmes offered by consultants are tailored to larger organisations. That means you waste your time and resources on drafting policies and procedures that are not relevant to your business. Only do the necessary work to certify your small business quickly and cost-effectively.

Our programme consists of face-to-face consultation with an advisor, a detailed planning tool and resource assessment support.
Ask Elisabeth about achieving BS 10008 certification