Achieve ISO 27001

Download our ISO 27001:2022 Transition Templates
Now that certification bodies are certifying organisation’s to ISO 27001:2022, you will need to transition if you’re already certified to ISO 27001:2013.
To help you transition we’re happy to share two of our most important transition templates:
- ISO 27001 Transition Statement of Applicability template
- ISO 27001 Transition Annex A Control Checklist template
Frequently asked questions
What does our ISO 27001:2022 Transition Annex A Control checklist contain?
The list is an Excel spreadsheet listing every single Annex A control in the 2022 standard with a map to the controls in the old 2013 version. You’ll also find the attributes allocated against each control in ISO 27002:2022 .
How can I use the control list to transfer my controls from ISO 27001:2013
The ISO 27001 Annex A 2013 to 2022 control list provides you with all the new and old controls contained in ISO 27001:2022. Using the spreadsheet you can map your old controls to the new updated controls in the 2022 standard and quickly understand the changes at a glance.
The spreadsheet specifies the control numbers from ISO 27001:2022, their descriptions, and the corresponding control numbers for the old controls from ISO 27001:2013.
What does our ISO 27001 Transition Statement of Applicability checklist contain?
The list is an Excel spreadsheet listing every single Annex A control in ISO 27001:2013 and ISO 27001:2022. The checklist contains columns outlining the control identifier, control name and description for both standards.
The Transition Statement of Applicability template will help you to quickly map your controls from 2013 to 2022 and transfer any other details.